Our school has been certified Gold by Ontario Ecoschools. This is due to the hard work of the ECO club, staff and students who worked hard to make our school more environmentally aware. ECO Club and the process to certify with Ontario Ecoschools is a year long commitment that takes a lot of dedication. ECO students did waste audits, recycling audits and energy audits. They planned events like Earth Hour, Clean up the Capital at our school, green and blue day, litterless lunches and much more. Students planned an assembly to communicate environmental initiatives. They folded numerous amounts of compost liners for use in the classrooms. They gave up numerous recesses throughout the entire year to help make our school greener. The application to Ecoschools is extensive and everything needs to be supported and documented. Thanks to the many teachers who submitted lesson plans for the curriculum section, those that have implemented composting in their classrooms and those that have come out to help in the gardens. Thank you to the parents who supported litterless lunches and fundraised for bulbs. Most importantly, thank you to all of the students who supported us and made changes. Ecoschools commended us for our energy conservation efforts, leadership opportunities and waste reduction. Congratulations on another phenomenal year ECO club. We thank you for all your hard work and thank you Gowling for making Gold possible!!!
(Thank you to Mrs. Sabean, Mrs. Brubacher and Mrs. Golding for running ECO club!)